50+ WD-40 Lifehacks… Who knew there were so many things you could do with WD-40?

50+ WD-40 Lifehacks... Who knew there were so many things you could do with WD-40? {Video}

Most of us have a can of WD-40 sitting around somewhere, probably in the garage. Honestly I don’t even know where mine is. I used to only use it when I had a rusty screw or nail I needed to pull out.

I’m buying a new can though and putting it somewhere I can find it, because it turns out that there are a ton of amazing and surprising uses for WD-40! Did your kid draw on your hardwood floor with permanent marker? WD-40 will take it right off. Need to get some stuck adhesive off a wall? WD-40 to the rescue. Can’t get a ring off a swollen finger? Bring on the WD-40.

Watch the video below to see these incredible WD-40 hacks in action and discover even more!

And here’s a video playlist of 10 videos featuring over 50 WD-40 uses, tips and hacks!