These 9 Chef Tips Will Change the Way You Cook Forever

These 9 Chef Tips Will Change the Way You Cook Forever {Video}

I love to cook, but it’s something that I didn’t really get into when I was young. That’s because back then, YouTube wasn’t a huge thing. You could buy recipe books, but it’s not as if they really teach you how to cook. They just list ingredients and tell you which ones to put together. You can know all the recipes in the world and still struggle to actually cook anything edible if you don’t know how to prepare each ingredient the right way.

But on YouTube, you can learn the best cooking hacks from top chefs! You can find out how to cook, not just what to cook, and you can see all the techniques demonstrated right in front of you. Today I watched a really cool video from SORTEDfood that taught me some brilliant food hacks that I can add to my list of my personal favorites—like this one for peeling carrots and this one for freezing eggs.

Video Instructions:

In this video, you will learn tips for preparing chicken, cooking asparagus, and making perfect scrambled eggs. The tip with the eggs is particularly genius, and solves a long-standing problem I’ve had with knowing when/how to finish eggs for the right consistency! As a bonus, watching this video is really fun because these guys have a great sense of humor. I definitely suggest that you check out everything on their channel. Enjoy the video, and enjoy using these hacks in your own kitchen!

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Video by SORTEDfood.